At the end of February I spent way too much time building a new website just to organize my 32 promotional videos for you. I also put up this new website because On March 7th YouTube will be automatically replacing my customized SciFiForThinkers Channel with another generic-looking page that I'll have to "spruce up" as much as I can. I guess most web users want constant change, even if it means giving up something really cool for something that's not so hot. Just as long as it's the latest thing. Wow, what crap. Hey, if it's not broken, don't fix it.
You bet, I'm tired of people just "up and changing" what I work so hard to create. I'm reminded of my old "Science Fiction for Thinkers at Lulu" page that's now a generic-looking "Author Spotlight" at Lulu.com. Oh well, they own those websites, not me. But I do own the copyrights to all 70 of my videos, including the 32 professional videos I uploaded to YouTube this past year.
So, if you want to see my YouTube videos on a website that has more of "me" in it than the new SciFiForThinkers Channel at YouTube, visit Michael Casher Tube. And, yep, I'm 99.9% sure that this latest "upgrade" of my internet presence, without my permission, has pretty much cured me of my addiction to Windows Movie Maker. I've got better things to do than to keep beating a dead horse that was going nowhere in the first place.
So, if you want to see my YouTube videos on a website that has more of "me" in it than the new SciFiForThinkers Channel at YouTube, visit Michael Casher Tube. And, yep, I'm 99.9% sure that this latest "upgrade" of my internet presence, without my permission, has pretty much cured me of my addiction to Windows Movie Maker. I've got better things to do than to keep beating a dead horse that was going nowhere in the first place.
So, basically, I took the SciFiForThinkers Channel on the road again. Only this time I'm running the show. Why shouldn't I? This is my stuff.
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