I removed Goodreads from the Science Fiction for Thinkers page at Facebook and undid the the "Michael Casher at Goodreads" links from my Blogger blogs' sidebars and from the sidebar of my Lulu storefront. As I discover more forgotten links that connect me to Goodreads and vice-versa I'll sever them as well.
People who dare to connect me to erotica of any kind, hate, illegal pharmaceuticals, pornography, religion, or any other kind of counter-evolutionary nonsense will soon find out that they've taken the bull by the horns. If you've always possessed a certain civic-minded tolerance for other people's lifestyles and beliefs, like I have, rat-bastard scoundrels will come out of the woordwork in droves to take advantage of you. Well, I've had it.
The biped creatures on this planet can damn well do as they please. That's what freedom is all about. But don't even think about linking me to the above topics. If you do, you will become my enemy for life. That's a promise and that's also my goddamn right. I'm living proof that if you push a good guy too far, you'll see another side of him you'll wish you hadn't.
That's it, then. And, if you don't like it, I couldn't give a rat's ass. In that case, just go away and make me a happier man.
Author's Note: Shortly after I posted this on Thinker's Corner I closed out my Facebook account, as well.
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