I'm always organizing and re-organizing. Maybe it's because I'm an old poop who's just about blogged out and who keeps tripping over those boxes on the floor in my writing room that are filled with science fiction novels and literary novellas that nobody wants and that gets old so I go do something else. Only I don't like cleaning out closets to make the day go faster. So, yeah, I'm tired of skinning my elbows on the copier table whenever I try to grab onto it to break my fall. I stove up like an old man now, not like a young warrior.
But that's neither here nor there, which is an inane phrase like more or less. More or less. So, I put up another website last week that links from the menu on my official website. There are also technical reasons why I built this new site. My Webnode sites are extensions of my official website because Webnode is so much easier to work with than Webs. Webs has become a real thorn in my side and they won't let me embed any more videos from YouTube. So, the hell with Webs.
Additionally, my videos look best on a black background. So they do. This new mini-site has only ten videos on it, a little "sampler" of what represents me, my writing and my official website. In a nutshell, if you will (thank you, Mike the Obscure). And, no, this new website isn't a mirror site. I hate that term. A mirror site is a duplicate of another site. If I were to mirror my official website it would take me two years or more to build the mirror site. So, that's on that.
Science Fiction for Thinkers videos is a free nickelodean, if you will, for people who want to watch moving pictures about books and people before they engage the real thing. And, no, this mini-video site is not a mirror site of "Michael Casher Tube". Michael Casher Tube gives you all the videos (41) about us but without all the distracting crap that YouTube and YouTuber's toss your way until you want to pull your hair out and run screaming from the house.
So, yeah, and that's why the menu link at Science Fiction for Thinkers.com is called Kwick Videos. You don't have to hunt and peck or search or open a new tab or wade through ads to find out what we're all about here. So you don't. Who says an old guy can't "think young". Hey, whatever happened to Polly Bergen, anyway?