Saturday, September 30, 2006

Where's a black hole when you need one?

I went to bed last night a middle-aged man of 54 and woke up today a senior citizen of 55.

Linear reality kind of sucks.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

My Favorite Brunette

My favorite brunette is Verona Petrov, a female character who is Earth's first Ambassador to another planet in Time And Time Again, the second installment of The Evermore Trilogy.

In the third book of that trilogy, Providence, Verona Petrov is a brilliant Russian para-scientist, researching the afterlife and teaching basic para-science courses at a small Pennsylvania university.

In her mid-forties, beautiful and brilliant, she shines as a dynamic protagonist battling a dangerous government-sponsored cover up of the truth about life-after-death. There is a secret reason why this same female character is in two books in The Evermore Trilogy.

But only readers will find out.

Why didn't I make her a typical, redheaded Russian woman from the Republic of Georgia? Because everyone expects a Georgian Russian woman to have red hair and that's why I made hers jet black. To match her "atypical" personality.

Author's Note 1-19-13: I didn't update the front-cover images for the books mentioned in this post and on many other old posts because I didn't want to ruin the look and integrity of the original post. You may also find other old posts on this blog and on my other blogs where I didn't update images to the current versions and that only means that I didn't want to or I just overlooked the opportunity to do so. If you click on the book images you will see the 2012 front covers for these novels at