Sunday, December 2, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Michael Casher is taking a break from blogging until after the new year. He wishes everyone a safe and happy holiday season.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

New Book Covers

I've been working hard this month designing new book covers for all six novels in the Science Fiction for Thinkers collection. They're my own design and I just added them yesterday and today. Unfortunately, I had to create new editions for the first five novels in order to do that. For Little Green Man from Mars, I just had to "unpublish" it and then republish it.

I think the series has a whole new look now and a much better one.

Monday, June 4, 2007

New Business Cards

The new business cards for Science Fiction for Thinkers arrived a few days ago and look really great, matching the theme of my official website, Science Fiction for These new cards replace the old business cards that I'll now use for writing grocery lists on the back of and for marking pages in books.

Now, if I just had a scanner to post an image of the new cards. My old scanner is not compatible with my new computer.

But I'll settle for for some curious people who want me to send them one.

Friday, May 25, 2007

According to the Crystal Ball

After I complete Blind Fool Running, my first literary novel under the pen name Jonco Bugos, I'll be returning to science fiction under my real name for another novel in the Science Fiction for Thinkers series. And then it will be back to literary fiction as Jonco Bugos again.

Incidentally, Jonco Bugos is the Slovak version of the name of my mother's deceased father, John Bugosh. It's pronounced YONK-oh BOO-gosh. The Slovak language, like the Russian language, has more than one "S" in its alphabet and the "S" on Bugos has an "sh" sound). My mother was pleased that I wanted to use her father's Slovak name for my pen name whenever I write literary fiction. Just to clear the air on this matter. It's also an homage to him and an honor for me to write literary fiction under a pen name that matches his.

I plan to alternate back and forth that way, writing one science fiction novel every two years and one literary novel every two years. My current literary work-in-progress is experimental because I'm writing in the first person, present tense, and that's not an easy thing to do. My literary fiction will also have a slight autobiographical slant as well as a hidden sci-fi theme that will not be clearly evident to readers who don't already know me. And that will be an even harder thing to accomplish.

So, why am I doing it? To test my writing skills, for one thing, and to have a little fun in the process. Also, to accept that particular literary challenge. And to keep boredom at bay and my imagination fresh for both genres.

At least that's the plan for now.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Turning Point

Five years ago I said good-bye to the service industry once and for all, after twenty years of slugging it out with spoiled customers and jaded co-workers, and began a new career as a science fiction novelist. That turning point was also the darkest day in my life.

And the brightest.

Friday, April 13, 2007

My New Domain

I just set up a new domain but didn't really give the ax to the old one. is now nothing more than another cyber road to That means I now have two domains and plan to keep them both.

It was simply time for a fresh start, some Internet presence security and for trying on some new hats.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

"Blind Fool Running"

I've decided to switch genres for a while now that I completed my six-book Science Fiction for Thinkers collection.

Blind Fool Running is a work-in-progress and it's my first literary novel under the pen name, Jonco Bugos.

I hope to complete this seventh novel sometime in 2008.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

"Science Fiction for Thinkers" Collection Complete

With the addition of my sixth sci-fi thriller, Little Green Man from Mars, the Science Fiction for Thinkers collection is now complete. Three books comprise The Evermore Trilogy and three books stand alone.

I'm now writing literary fiction under the pen name Jonco Bugos.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Pennsylvania's Heritage Showcased

All of my science fiction thrillers have Pennsylvania settings, although other states, countries and planets are featured as well. Readers who like rich narrative passages about Pennsylvania's coal and lumber history and its colorful hunting tradition will enjoy the Science Fiction for Thinkers collection.

But the biggest part of this sci-fi collection is the exploration of supernatural phenomenon, the universe itself, and contemporary American mores. Plus the always exciting conflict between good and evil.

Who says sci-fi can't read like mainstream?